How pride supports productivity & satisfaction
Bear with me here,
We’re finishing the year strong by turning inward and fortifying our foundations to re-energizing ourselves. So far, we’ve reconnected with our “why,” used our breath to anchor into it, and playfully infused joy into our days. This week, we’re reigniting our passion form within!.
Finish Strong - Week 4
Pride often gets a bad rap, but research shows that leaders who regularly reflect on their achievements and purpose are 29% more productive and experience greater job satisfaction.
Moreover, intentionally connecting to past successes and future goals strengthens resilience, motivation, and leadership effectiveness. This week’s practice will help you extract energy from past wins, uncover hidden resilience , and reconnect to what fuels your passion .
Daily Passion Practice
Day 1: Reflect on Your Achievements
Journal about five specific accomplishments throughout your career that make you proud.
Bonus: Journal about five specific accomplishments outside of work that make you even more proud.
Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Hold each accomplishment in your mind for three breaths. Breathe in confidence, breathe out doubt. Let each breath reinforce your sense of achievement and capability.
Day 2: Hard-Earned Lessons
Write out five lessons you’ve learned that were tough to accept but valuable. Think of old beliefs that were challenged, new perspectives you gained of yourself, and other truths that changed you for the better.
After journaling, breathe deeply and visualize each lesson strengthening your foundation as a leader. Try to spend three or more breaths on each lesson, imagining how it benefits yourself or others now.
Day 3: Your Impact on Others
List five things you’ve helped others achieve that make you smile.
Bonus: Imagine how your way of being in the world has a positive impact on others without you ever seeing the result. (e.g. Smiling at strangers or letting people merge smoothly on the freeway reducing stress on a daily commute.)
With each breath, feel gratitude for the positive impact you’ve made. Notice where you feel pride and what the physical sensation is like. Inhale fulfillment, exhale stress.
Day 4: Skills and Joy
Identify five skills you love using or types of work that bring you joy.
Breathe in deeply, imagining yourself fully immersed in work that energizes you. Notice how enjoyment feels in your body. Imagine it amplifying with each breath you take.
Day 5: Future Excitement
Write down five things you’re excited about in the future.
For each one, take a deep breath in and envision looking back at the success, as though it has already happened. Let each inhale bring you to a new detail of how it feels to have created this successful outcome, and let each exhale release any uncertainty.
You found your way to your current role for a reason, but it's easy to lose sight of the joy through the daily humdrum. These short exercises are designed to reconnect you to your own greatness and growth, fulfillment, and a vision that propels you forward.
Let this week’s reflections bring bountiful and energetic light to your path forward!
Keep growing,