When in… Greece
I’m still overcome with amazement that the last month has been real. I launched a program I’ve dreamed of leading, shared deep connection with friends, and attended a 16-day workshop hosted on a mega-yacht while island hopping in Greece and sailing the Aegean & Ionion Seas.
The workshop and exploring Greece were profound!
Lived growth, new insights, and internal shifts were numerous throughout this adventure. The workshop focused on the “rules” that have governed our lives—intentionally and unintentionally—and the guidelines we want to shape our future. More sharing is inevitable, but for now, I’ll start with the summary of commitments. These statements framed my forward thinking as I disembarked the Elysium this morning (sadly via stairs rather than diving off the second story deck like previous days).
I choose love.
I choose to be love, to spread love, to find love.
I choose audacious dreams and bold action.
I choose to share my authentic complex self.
I choose to share the parts of me that I’m sure you’ll judge and reject.
I choose to lean in when I most want to withdraw.
I choose to feel. Every. Damn. Feeling.
I choose to trust my intuition.
I choose worthiness.
I choose abundance.
I choose curiosity, adventure, and exploration.
I choose to be awed and enamored by child-like wonder.
I choose chaos and messiness and figuring it out.
I choose greatness.
I choose to outgrow people, places, and stories that no longer serve me.
I choose discomfort.
I choose endless transformation.
I choose me. And when I forget or I don’t like what I chose, I choose, and choose, and choose again.
Ad infinitum, I CHOOSE.
🌿To your journey and mine… let’s choose!