You only get ONE

It's January, so I'm having a lot of conversations about the bold and exciting goals our fellow leaders are going after in 2024.

It's exciting to see the inspiring BHAGs, detailed plans with measurable outcomes, and monthly milestones laid out in color-coded spreadsheets.

But one thing I rarely see, is a plan for how you will become the leader you need to be to achieve these goals.

*Who do your 2024 goals and plans require you to become? *

Here's your bite-sized invitation:

  1. Write down the ONE single area (yes, you only get ONE) in which you MOST desire change.

  2. What is the specific change you want? (For example, I want to be more disciplined, I want to empower others more instead of giving them answers, etc.)

  3. When that change has already taken place, how will your life be different? What will you feel, and who will you be? What will you get to do/have/be after this change that is different than your current state?

  4. Now - this is the most important step - close your eyes and imagine that you are already doing/having/being what you just described. Sit in this vision for as long as it takes to start noticing how you FEEL in that future state.

  5. BONUS - Repeat this daily for a few weeks.

I'm rooting for you as you get clear on who you are becoming!

Keep growing,

Jamie & the Grow Nau Team


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